Re-opening venues after the Covid-19 lockdown

As lockdown eases this weekend we are seeing some venues up and down the country opening their doors for the first time in months. However, while this feels like a step towards normality, it will not be quite business as usual. 

Whether you are a business owner or a punter, it is important to understand the guidelines for this management phase of the pandemic and what is expected of businesses as they welcome the public back, just in time for the summer. We have compiled this list to try and simplify the expectations of businesses, based on the most up to date government advice for pubs, bars, and similar venues. 


  • A risk assessment must be carried out by all businesses before reopening. An inability to perform one and sufficiently manage the risk to the venue in relation to COVID 19 can result in a breach of health and safety law. 

  • Venues should calculate the maximum number of people who can be onsite whilst adhering to distancing- This must then be maintained with strict entry monitoring, either by security or members of staff. 

  • Social distancing markings within the venue should be installed to encourage and remind both staff and customers.

  • Reconfiguring indoor & outdoor seating 

  • Working with neighbouring businesses/ council to try and provide additional parking and bike racks for staff and customers to discourage the use of public transport. 

  • Reducing the need for queueing, when necessary and otherwise venues should explore options for outside queuing. 

  • Looking at how people move through the venue and how it can be adjusted to reduce congestion and contact between customers, e.g. introduction of one-way flow systems.

  • Increased cleaning procedures throughout opening hours, especially focusing on touchpoints such as doors, bathrooms, tills, bars, and tables. 

  • Displaying clear guidance about distancing and hygiene

  • Reconfiguring indoor entertainment spaces to ensure customers are seated rather than standing. 

  • Encouraging the use of online ticketing for entertainment where possible.

  • Wherever possible social distancing guidelines of 2m should be adhered to, and 1m with risk mitigation if 2m isn’t viable. 

  • Where distancing isn’t possible, mitigation measures such as the following should be implemented; 

- more hand washing & surface cleaning

- keeping time to a minimum in activities that can’t be distanced 

- use of screens or barriers, such as at tills 

- back to back or side to side working

- fixed teams or partnering for staff members to decrease the number of people 


  • Increased hand washing or hand sanitisation facilities should be provided, especially on entrance to the site. Customers should be actively encouraged to use them.

  • Customers should be made aware of the venues COVID 19 policies and encouraged to abide by the set regulations

  • Encouraging contactless payments

  • Measures such as keeping customers at tables to avoid too much movement around the site. eg ordering through an app and implementing table service & payment at tables, where it normally might not be used.

  • Reservation systems / limiting walk-in customers can aid the management of reduced capacity to avoid queues building. 


  • Venues should ensure that any members of staff on site have not to their knowledge experienced any symptoms or come into contact with anyone with symptoms in the past 2 weeks.

  • Any members of staff who can work from home should do so. The number of staff working at the venue should be kept to a minimum while still operating safely and efficiently.

  • The company should have an awareness of particular staff’s vulnerability to COVID 19, as well as their personal situation during the pandemic, and how certain measures and procedures may affect some staff members more adversely than others. 

  • Keeping a close eye on staff who are working from home as well as monitoring and supporting the mental health of all members of staff during these uncertain times.

  • Staggered start and end of shifts as well as staggered breaks. Ideally providing a separate outdoor area where staff can safely break away from customers.

  • Washing staff uniforms on-site where possible. Alternatively making staff change into uniform on-site at the start of shift to avoid contamination. 

  • Venues should assist the Test and Trace service by keeping a temporary record of your staff shift patterns for 21 days


  • Companies should review their incident and emergency procedures and make sure they now comply with social distancing guidelines 

  • Thinking about whether you have enough appropriately trained staff to keep people safe. For example, having dedicated staff to encourage social distancing or to manage security. 

  • Considering the security implications of any changes you intend to make in response to COVID-19, and how this may present new or altered security risks which may need mitigations.

  • Where physical searches are carried out, a venue must consider how to ensure the safety of those conducting searches while maintaining security standards.

  • Guards to wear masks and gloves while on duty 

  • Guards to be clearly briefed on the venue guidelines and capacities in order to facilitate adherence to company-specific COVID policy 

If you are concerned about security and management of your customers during this unprecedented time, do not hesitate to get in touch with us here at FFA Security Group.. You can contact us on 0208 050 7671,



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